Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ted Stevens not done redecorating? Convicted AK senator still pushing for reelection

So Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (R) had a good thing going for him, being the longest-serving Republican Senator in history and then this happened a few months ago:

I didn't know they were from an oil company...

And then this happened a few days ago:

Like none of you have ever accepted tens and thousands in gifts and services from corporations you're supposed to be protecting the people from

So what was a lock became a tight race with Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich (D) and what was a tight race became advantage Begich, who is up 10 percent on Real Clear Politics. But not everyone says that Stevens is out, least of all Stevens himself:

Drill, baby, Drill. Spend, baby, Spend.

One has to wonder how this will play out on election day. Stevens thinks he's innocent enough to stay in the senate, and counting on voters to agree. After all, who wouldn't let their friend keep a gas grill or two at their house?

I plan on taking a deeper look at how each candidate is campaigning in the eleventh hour given this hot-button issue. Makes for tricky territory. I'll also keep you posted on how the stuff falls on Tuesday. Could be a new era for the AK senate seat.

It goes without saying that I don't expect much of an up-ballot bump for Obama even if Begich does pull things out. NPR has McCain/Palin up 15 percent in the state. If anything, Stevens might enjoy some help from the lipstick pitbull.

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