Monday, November 3, 2008


I suppose I will start the predictions...

1. Presidential race - popular vote: Obama-52% McCain-47%
2. Presidential race - electoral votes: Obama-311 McCain-227
3. North Carolina Senate - Kay Hagan
Minnesota Senate - Norm Coleman
KS-02 Senate - Lynn Jenkins


Angela said...

President (popular vote)
- Obama:53
- McCain: 46

President (electoral votes)
- Obama:349
- McCain:189

NC Senate -- Hagan
Minnesota Senate -- Franken
NH Senate -- Shaheen
KS 02 House -- Jenkins

Sporting Pete said...

Presidential Popular Vote
Obama 53%
McCain 46%
Nader and Others 1%

President Electoral College
Obama 291
McCain 247

NC Senate: Hagen
MN State: Franken (or else I am a lying liar)
NH Senate: Shaheen
Michigan Prop 1: Yes (yes = being able to use marijuana legally)

Ryan Shepard said...

President (popular vote)
-Obama 57
-McCain 42
-Others 1

President (electoral votes)
-Obama 336
-McCain 202

NC Senate - Hagan
Minnesota Senate - Franken
NH Senate - Shaheen
KS 02 House - Boyda
+ ME Senate - Collins

T Cram said...

President (Popular)
Obama: 53%
McCain: 46%

President (electoral)
Obama: 311
McCain: 227

NC: Hagan
MN: Franken
NH: Shaheen

Eddie Glenn said...

(popular) Obama 55 McCain 43 Others 2
(electoral) Obama 316 McCain 221

NC Senate -- Hagan
Minn. Senate -- Franken
NH Senate -- Shaheen
KS House 2 -- Boyda

rmmilner said...

Popular vote:
Obama 52
McCain 47

Electoral college:
Obama 338
McCain 200

I won't pretend to know enough about those other races to make any kind of a call...

Athena said...

Popular Vote- Obama 51%, McCain 48%
Electoral Vote- Obama 291, McCain 247
North Carolina- Kay Hagan
Minnesota- Al Franken
KS-02- Nancy Boyda
MI Prop 1!!! Yes

Steven said...

President (popular vote)
Obama: 50.5
McCain: 47.5
Barr and Nader will each receive about 1 percent of the vote.

President (electoral vote)
Obama: 306
McCain: 232

NC Senate: Hagan
MN Senate: Coleman
NH Senate: Shaheen
KS 02 House: Boyda

Katy C. said...

President (popular vote)
- Obama: 53%
- McCain: 46%

President (electoral votes)
- Obama: 338
- McCain: 200

NC Senate -- Hagan
Minnesota Senate -- Franken
NH Senate -- Shaheen

Ben the Blogger said...

ELECTORAL VOTE: 397 Obama 141 McCain
Popular vote: 54% Obama 45% McCain
NC Hagan
MN ... ... ... Franken (I guess)
KS 02 House Jenkins

Brian DeLong said...

Presient Pop Vote:
Obama 52
McCain 46

Electoral College
Obama 291
McCain 247

NC Senate: Hagan

Brian DeLong said...

Pete and I agree -- uh oh.

Brian DeLong said...

and apparently I can't spell "President"

carl said...

Obama/Biden: 364
McCain/Palin/Joe the Plumber: 174

NC Senate: Hagen
MN Senate: Franken
NH Senate: Shaheen
KS 02 House: Jenkins

JD said...

President (popular)
Obama 52
McCain 47

President (electoral)
Obama 278
McCain 270

NC - Hagan
Minn - Franken
KS 02 - Jenkins

JD said...

Let's try that again only this time with electoral math that adds up to 538.

Presidential (electoral)
Obama 277
McCain 261