Monday, September 1, 2008

It seems we can put one rumor to rest

Bristol Palin (Gov. Palin's 17 year old daughter) is currently pregnant:


Eddie Glenn said...

I think the immediate reaction for Dems is something along the lines of: "See! All that prayer and abstinance-preaching, and you still can't keep your kids from getting knocked up!"
BUT, the REALLY important part of this story is the announcement of the impending marriage. The Repub response: "Everyone makes mistakes. At least they're doing the right(no pun intended!)thing and getting married, instead of murdering that poor baby."
This well sell well to conservatives, and will aid me in winning my Diet Coke from Ben.

Katy C. said...

Surely, even with the marriage, the base will have a bit of a problem with a 17 year old getting pregnant. Especially with the GOP being the shining example of family values/abstinence.

I just can't believe Palin was picked with McCain knowing all of this stuff (although I've read several articles saying he did, which raises its own set of issues). Why give the Democrats more lines of attack if you can help it? Palin is just such a potential problem in so many areas. Experience, foreign policy (although she is near Russia, which means that all the French fries I eat should make me an expert on France), the ethics scandal, and now in one of the Republican mainstays: abstinence in teenagers as the only viable sexual education tool. And as a woman she's far more likely to get dinged on this than a man, which is sad, but ultimately true.

I'm just going to be interested to see if her pros out weigh her cons.

Ben the Blogger said...

"She is 5 months pregnant so it can't be true. Don't ask any questions now, respect their privacy."

This all may be true, but it also may be a convenient way to silence a potentially damaging story until it is well after the election.
I'm not convinced until there is either medical confirmation that Bristol is 5 months pregnant or until I hear a reasonable rebuttal to what I consider to be a fairly compelling case set up in the Daily Kos. In particular, the difference between Sarah at 7 months with her first child and with her 5th, the account from the doctor about how the flight from Texas to Alaska makes her story impossible and the strange circumstances surrounding what seems like a hospital coverup.

Look, if she wants to spare her daughter that's fine by me but if she used her power as Gov to forge official documents like a birth certificate that has major implications. I believe, as per the PATRIOT Act, forgery of official documents like birth certificates is now punishable by water boarding and permanent incarceration.

Here is the link to the full Kos argument:

Eddie Glenn said...

Hmm. I really want to read that, Ben. But the story appears to have disappeared.
Conspiracy indeed!