Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The scary popularity of Obama

This is unrelated to the reading or discussion questions, but I came across something pretty interesting today on Drudge. You may remember weird stories of Obama supporters passing their babies to the candidate during the Primary (word had it that infants would be thrown at him as if he were the Pope). If you were amused by those stories (Dr. B certainly was), you may want to watch this clip:


A few broad questions: 1) Am I the only one who thinks this is creepy? 2) Are people ever too young to be political activists? Or in other words, at which point should parents wait to get their kids involved in campaigns? 3) Does anyone know the context behind this video?


Eddie Glenn said...

Is Leni Riefenstahl still alive? This looks like some of Leni's work.
Here's a link to some comments abou that video:


Pretty creepy.

Ryan Shepard said...

An update:


Lacey said...

That link to the official Obama web site does not mention where the children got the idea to gather. I mean, I have doubts that 22 children, even with the help of a music teacher, could compose that song. And it talks about how many firsts are involved in this video.

I think that this touches on the issue of voter age, as well. Is there a reason that the voting age is 18? Why not 16? or even 14? I think it's because it is not until you are on the verge of having to take care of yourself that you realize the significance of the issues involved in a campaign and that you are responsible enough to take it seriously. I think the same standards should apply in situations like this.

I am all for grassroots campaigns, but when I see a video like this all I think of is "pushy parents."