Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Father Figure Frame in Action

While I do not mean this post as a response to Lacey's critique of Lakoff's book, I would like to offer up the following brand spanking new ad out of the McCain camp. I think this ad may add (oh look at my pun usage) to the theory of framing and how Lakoff says the Republicans try to get folks to understand messages through the powerful father figure frame.

I am sure Lacey's comments will get a good discussion of the book going tomorrow, so this clip can add a little bit of extra spice to the conversation. I think it is necessary to understand how and why McCain decided to endorse and run an ad that attacks Obama in such a stern and direct way. I think Lakoff's theory of framing throughout the book begins to answer those questions.




Eddie Glenn said...
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Eddie Glenn said...
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Eddie Glenn said...

Here's a link to a speech Lakoff made at a Sacramento bookstore a couple of months ago. Evidently, his Rockridge Institute is no longer. He talks about how politicians utilized the info in his "Elephant" book with success in '04 and '06. However, he says, they soon found that there's a big difference in winning an election and creating policy. I give you this short description because I realize the speech is 104 minutes long, and you may not want to hear the whole thing. I listened to every second -- it's pretty fascinating -- but I know there are some people who think they have to sleep. Meanwhile, as the world sleeps, I'm going to brush up on some html, 'cause I keep losing links when I post them to this site.


It really, really is pretty good!