Friday, May 30, 2008

New info from Pew

Hi all: As you are enjoying leisurely strolls by the Kaw, reading the latest political comm thriller on the lawn near Potter, or dreaming endlessly of thrilling election-related research in the fall under the shade tree near Watson, check out the following interesting info from the Pew folks. The media clearly has a megaphone and a bully-pulpit... how they influence the primaries and the fall race are perhaps easiest to detect from hindsight, although Pew gives us strong implications about what we can expect if we think through it. The question becomes, how will the candidates overcome them... or manage them... or, if they are lucky, strategically influence them? These are very interesting summaries -- I encourage you to read them all.

Dr. B.

1 comment:

Ben the Blogger said...

Interesting. If people are so fixated on gas prices and the economy, doesn't it seem like Obama is in a good position to win? It seems a bit strange to me that McCain and Obama are polling so close to each other when most Americans believe that Obama would be best for energy and the economy. With numbers being so close on Iraq, I have trouble imagining why American's would prefer McCain. I guess that's why the numbers showed it was about personality and not policy with Obama's negatives.
I wonder if, as the campaign gets into full swing, either McCain's numbers on energy will go up or support for him will go down. It seems that way to me, especially if people guessed correct and gas prices hit $5+ a gallon.