Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jon Stewart on Crossfire

Here is the video. The president of CNN actually credited this interview with the decision to cancel crossfire (more or less, I mean, lets not split hairs here). He said
"Mr. Klein specifically cited the criticism that the comedian Jon Stewart leveled at "Crossfire" when he was a guest on the program during the presidential campaign. Mr. Stewart said that ranting partisan political shows on cable were "hurting America."
Mr. Klein said last night, "I agree wholeheartedly with Jon Stewart's overall premise." He said he believed that especially after the terror attacks on 9/11, viewers are interested in information, not opinion." Here is the New York Times link to the article about it. To give credit where it is due, I found the NYT article on this blog:

If you watch the whole thing you will want to listen for the following:
One, Tucker Carlson says at some point (though hard to hear because he is interrupting) that Jon Stewart should teach at a journalism school.

Two, after repeated assertions that Stewart was too easy on Kerry, he says something about "my show comes on after talking puppets making crank phone calls."

Three, if you stick it out till the end, he calls Tucker Carlson a dick.

1 comment:

Ben the Blogger said...

I was looking for new internet research and stumbled on this fancy Pew report about the Daily Show. Apparently he is America's 4th most trusted journalist: