Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Links mentioned in class

Below are links that I mentioned in class. 

The Hilary-youtube video
the higher education gap
the bill moyers interview on the loss of reason

I have also included two links discussing Obama's stance that he doesn't take money from lobbyists 


carl said...

Ben the Blogger said...

I have wanted to comment on this Moyers interview for a while. I am a bit disturbed by this author. First, I think she plays fat and loose with some of her claims. I am not sure I agree that "troops" is less personal than "soldier" and I hear "soldiers" being reported dead as much as I do "troops". Also, I think the use of words like "folks" is not a talking down to Americans, I think it is a strategy for identification and I think it probably works. Her focus on language is nice to see for someone like me who wants to believe that all politics is rhetorical, but it is sloppy and I believe misplaced. I also can't handle the disdain she seems to have for our culture. I fully agree that there is a big problem when 30% of American's still believe that Saddam organized the 9/11 attacks, but I do not believe this is a recent development (her romanticism for the 40s is alarming) nor do I think writing a book castigating American culture for being "dumb" is a particularly elegant solution. I did not think anybodies academic elitism would make me want to ignorantly grunt "love it or leave it" while spitting tobacco into a Kurt Bush mug, but she comes close. Perhaps I am now playing to loose with the term "academic". I find her particular brand of elitism to be particularly un-academic. She actually said "you don't need a scientific study to know" and then asserted something that you would need precisely that to say with any amount of confidence. I have not read her book so I should not judge her to harshly, but I can assure you that this interview did nothing to get that book in my Amazon shopping cart. Sorry Carl, I have a great deal of sympathy for your frustrations but this woman drove me nuts and I don't think her "insights" are any more valuable contributions to America than are the problems she criticizes.